Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Isn't That Odd?

BatBoy has been exploring odd and even numbers for awhile, just categorizing them in his head and finding patterns.  He came to a conclusion a month or two ago that odd numbers had 'middles' and even numbers didn't.  I've tossed in the idea lately that the pieces of even numbers can be paired off; in essence, they are divisible by two.  But, that didn't (yet) disagree with the 'middles' theory and BatBoy seemed to disregard it.  In the past week, however, BatBoy has encountered two troubling numbers:  zero and one.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Puzzle Books

Having embraced the idea that my kids are pretty right-brained when it comes to learning math, I feel more comfortable introducing problems that would normally be several "steps" ahead of where they are.  Enter into our lives:  the Maths Quest series by David Glover. 

The Museum of Mysteries focuses on number manipulation.